Function reference


Dimension Symbol defining an iteration space.
ConditionalDimension Symbol defining a non-convex iteration sub-space derived from a parent
SubDimension Symbol defining a convex iteration sub-space derived from a parent
Grid A cartesian grid that encapsulates a computational domain over which
SubDomain Base class to define Grid subdomains.
CustomTopology The CustomTopology class provides a mechanism to describe parametric domain
Constant Symbol representing a constant, scalar value in symbolic equations.
Function Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations.
TimeFunction Tensor symbol representing a discrete function in symbolic equations.
VectorFunction Vector valued space varying Function as a rank 1 tensor of Function.
VectorTimeFunction Time varying VectorFunction.
TensorFunction Tensor valued Function represented as a Matrix.
TensorTimeFunction Time varying TensorFunction.
SparseFunction Tensor symbol representing a sparse array in symbolic equations.
SparseTimeFunction Tensor symbol representing a space- and time-varying sparse array in symbolic
PrecomputedSparseFunction Tensor symbol representing a sparse array in symbolic equations; unlike
PrecomputedSparseTimeFunction Tensor symbol representing a space- and time-varying sparse array in symbolic


Operator Generate, JIT-compile and run C code starting from an ordered sequence
Eq An equal relation between two objects, the left-hand side and the

Finite differences

div Divergence of the input Function.
grad Gradient of the input Function.
curl Curl of the input Function. Only supported for VectorFunction
diag Creates a diagonal tensor with func on its diagonal.
laplace Laplacian of the input Function.
Derivative An unevaluated Derivative, which carries metadata (Dimensions,


smooth Smooth a Function through simple moving average.
initialize_function Initialize a Function with the given data. data
mmin Retrieve the minimum.
mmax Retrieve the maximum.
sum Compute the sum of the Function data over specified dimensions.
norm Compute the norm of a Function.
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